
Dental implants are natural looking replacements for missing teeth. The titanium “root” Implants provide a strong foundation for fixed or removable replacement teeth that are made to match your natural teeth.

Dental implants are an ideal option for people in good general oral health who have lost one or more teeth due to periodontal disease or an injury.

Replacing missing teeth can dramatically improve your smile and the shape of your face!

Dental implants function like your own teeth, allowing you to eat your favorite foods with confidence and without pain. Implants are very durable and will last many years. With good care, many implants last a lifetime.

Dental implants can be used to support a number of dental prostheses, including crowns, implant-supported bridges or dentures. They can also be used as anchorage for orthodontic tooth movement. Dental Implants stimulate and maintain jaw bone, preventing bone loss and helping to maintain facial features

Here at Dentadura we use one of the best and most widely used implant systems in the world from Nobel Biocare.

Dental Implants are the Right Solution for you if,
  • You have one or more missing teeth
  • You are unable or unwilling to wear dentures
  • You find Dentures becoming loose
  • You have a jawbone that’s reached full growth
  • You want to improve your speech
  • You want to improve your smile
  • You want to improve your facial features
  • You want a better and more comfortable permanent solution compared to dentures
The procedure

A careful assessment is made of the jawbone using x-rays. Models are made to determine the ideal position of for the implants

A minor operation is carried out using special instruments to place the implants into the bone. The gum is then stitched around the implant which is at this stage is level with the surface of the gum.

After a healing period of between six and twelve weeks, a titanium abutment is screwed into each implant. Surgery is not normally required at this stage. An impression is taken for the final replacement teeth and a temporary tooth or bridge may be fitted

The completed teeth are connected to the implants providing a secure, stable and natural looking replacement for what has been lost

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